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Do You Know a Campus Celebrity?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UW Stout chapter.

Do you know a Stoutie worthy of a little recognition? Let us know who you think would be an excellent Campus Celebrity and why, and perhaps they’ll be featured on our site! Submit your nomination through this form or email us at uw-stout@hercampus.com. Whether they’re a leader in the organization you’re involved with or they worked an incredible internship, we’re interested in showcasing them! What better way to show your appreciation and admiration than nominating them as a Campus Celeb?


Olivia is a Professional Communications in Emerging Media student at the University of Wisconsin - Stout. Currently the Campus Correspondent for Stout's chapter, she hopes to find a career in journalism. Originally from Milwaukee, Olivia has put her city life on hold to follow her dreams. You can follow her at her Instagram or blog, Olivia Marie.
Her Campus at UW-Stout