Grace Ann Moody is a Junior from Oneonta, Alabama. Along with being a Music Education major, she devotes a majority of her time to Auburn’s esteemed music program. She is a very talented young woman with a dream of going off to New York City for graduate school. While she spends much of her time at Goodwin, she also spends a large amount of time at The Auburn Wesley Foundation, a campus ministry, as she is the current President.
The Wesley Foundation is largely run by Auburn students with the help of a couple pastors and five interns. As president, Moody heads the student leaders. When interviewing her, I asked her what initially lead her to the Wesley Foundation. In response, she told me that there was a girl from her hometown who went there and raved about it—when she attended with her roommate, it felt like home to her. She has stayed with the Wesley Foundation since her freshman year due to the fact that it feels like home, as in Oneonta and Auburn.
When running for president last spring, she was scared. She did not want to take the position from someone else, but she soon realized that the nudging on her heart meant that she should run. She truly cares about the ministry and fellowship that is present at the Wesley Foundation and has a strong desire to help it grow.
Pictured above is the Auburn Wesley Foundation Council Team along with the President, Grace Ann Moody
Moody describes the hardest part about being president is “trying to take all the different views of each and every person in this ministry and on our leadership team and finding a way for us all to follow Christ as much as we can and not get so tangled up in the bits and pieces so that we can follow Christ the best was that we can.” The most enjoyable part for her has been having the opportunity to grow closer to the staff because she is in meetings all the time. She has had the chance to know the ministers and interns better. Those friendships have held her accountable and helped her to feel less doubtful in the work that she is doing. Moody is a strong, talented young woman, who has great faith in the Lord. She serves him in the best way that she knows how. I for one, cannot wait to see where life will take her.
The Wesley Foundation has weekly events if you would like to attend. On January 29th, the weekly worship service will be moved to Sunday nights at 8 PM, and every Thursday there is dinner, bible study and Freshman Community beginning at 6:30 p.m.
Picture Credit: Grace Ann and AWF