We live in a digital age. As millennials, we inhale content and exhale our intersectional perspectives through multiple mediums almost automatically. We have digital footprints that follow us through the majority of our lives. We live in an age where movements can be spread overnight on Twitter, and you can show a live feed to all of your followers on Instagram.
Yet, we live in an age where as women we are still breaking the glass ceilings in many professions, women in sports business are still working hard in a dominantly man’s world. Women make up 45 percent of D-1 athletes, yet less that 9% of current D-1 athletic directors are women according to Val Ackerman in her 2015 Sports Business Daily Article Work remains for women to ascend to sports leadership roles.
As woman work to create a name for themselves in the Sports Industry, women like Katie Cracchiolo have twice the work to do trying to stay ahead of the ever-changing world of social media. Currently, Cracchiolo is the Digital Experience Coordinator for the Golden State Warriors, working hard with a team of strategic media professionals. Cracchiolo is a University of Oregon alumna, she previously worked for the Emerald Media Group as a student, and was the Digital Specialist for the Sacramento Kings for almost 3 years before she took her position at the Golden State Warriors.
Through her successes as a young professional and a woman in the sports industry, she encourages the feminist in us all. At the University of Oregon, the SOJC encourages students to break down barriers, and that is just what Katie Cracchiolo has done out in “the real world” after her time as a duck.
Cracchiolo is coming to visit our own Social Media Club on January 26 at 6pm in Allen Hall 141. If you want more information, follow Social Media Club on Instagram and Twitter at uo_smc