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15 Signs You’re a Sociology Major

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UIC chapter.

1. All of your classes are in BSB

Picking up a snack before heading upstairs to class is now routine.

2. You think 20 pages of reading is a small assignment

Easy, peasy, lemon-squeezy.

3. You can’t stop thinking about how everything is a social construction

You begin to question what truly is biological.

4. You love Karl Marx


5. You always have to explain to everyone what Sociology is

Sociology is… WHAT??

6. Your entire major is writing, writing, writing

Times New Roman, 12pt font, double-spaced.

7. Squaring up to other sciences because they don’t think you’re a real science

It is called a social science for a reason. Have you even seen the Wallace Wheel?

8. Having the need to unite to overthrow oppression

We’re looking at you, Donald Trump.

9. You are a master at citing

ASA, all day, every day.

10. Having to explain to everyone what job you can get

There’s just so many!

11. Discussions get lit

I would let you finish but, according to Foucault on pg. 218 in Discipline and Punish….

12. Looking at everything with an intersectional approach

A homosexual Asian-American woman who lives on the North Side of Chicago’s perspective is waaaay different than a white heterosexual male who lives on the South Side.

13. Math isn’t your strongest skill

Chi-Squares are life, though.

14. Having to memorize tons and tons of theories

Social Constructionist Approach, Critical Race Theory, Post-Colonial Theory, Racial Formation….

15. You spend too much time looking up scholarly articles

Is it empirical or NAH?

Hi, I'm Daniela. I'm a Sociology major with a minor in Criminology and Business Administration. I have been involved with Her Campus since my freshmen year, working in editorial, marketing, and social media. As president of Her Campus UIC, I am excited to see our chapter grow throughout my last year here.
UIC Contributor.