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7 Positive Things That Come out of Being Ghosted

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wilfrid Laurier chapter.

We’ve all been there, one minute you’re texting this guy who shows signs of clearly being into you and the next thing you know he’s gone; no replies to texts, no social media friendship, and obviously no more relationship. You’ve been ghosted. It sucks majorly and you’re probably thinking “what the f*** did I do??”  But there is always a silver lining and these are the positives that come out of being ghosted.

1. You Get a Clear Answer – You don’t need to question anything, he didn’t want to date you and that’s okay because at least he didn’t waste your time.

2. You Know They’re Not Ready – Clearly buddy isn’t down for commitment, and is that really what you wanted? Better to find out now than down the road when you started to get more serious.

3. It makes you stronger – It’s never a nice feeling to know that someone you were into doesn’t feel the same way, but you have to kiss a bunch of frogs to meet your prince – and this guy was just a really shitty frog.

4. It makes you wiser – Looking back, maybe there were some red flags, or warning signs – remember them because if you see them happening again in a future relationship you can question it so it never happens again.

5. You don’t get to stalk them on social media – Whenever a fling with someone ends it’s our natural instinct to creep them on every social media platform to see  what is happening in their life, or who is in their life – when they ghost you and delete you off everything there is literally no possible way to see therefore it saves you the creeping pain you may have felt otherwise.

6. You get the me time you deserve – Before you had to actually put effort into texting, and dates, and looking nice; but now you can just put some sweats on, get some popcorn with extra butter, and a glass **cough cough bottle** of wine and enjoy some alone time!

7. You can move on to better things – Screw him! You deserve someone who wants you, and loves you, not some d-bag who is too scared to break things off with actual words. You deserve happiness and trust me it will come.

Trust me, from a girl who was ghosted 3 times in one month, one time being ghosted is never fun; but you are a strong independent lady who don’t need no companion – own it! Oh, and good luck out there in the dating world, Collegiettes; it’s a real b****.




Wilfrid Laurier '19

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