This time of year is reserved for indulgence to reward a hard year’s work. Whether it’s a cheeky mince pie in the evening or getting a bit boozy at the weekend, there is no escaping the never-ending supply of tasty treats. If that wasn’t bad enough, the cold weather and great TV advocates minimal movement from bed to sofa, leaving your body no choice but to store those naughty nibbles as extra winter blubber. Although a few extra pounds are almost inevitable (no one’s will power is good enough to turn down a big Christmas din-dins!) here are some tips to keep the extra meat on the turkey this Christmas!
Set a goal
Whether it’s fitting into your favourite party dress for New Year’s Eve or running a marathon, setting a goal and planning a way to get there gives you the motivation to tone down on the treats and tone up elsewhere! There are hundreds upon thousands of free online plans to help you, from building up to your first 5km runs to much more. Whatever your level of fitness, pick a goal, set a plan and work it into your routine so that you can stick to it.
Say no to seconds
And if you can’t say no to seconds then definitely say no to thirds… (I know this is a tough one!) You can still enjoy yourself without being so full you can barely move. If you’re not sure whether you’ve eaten enough, then give it half an hour before returning for more. This will give your body time to let the food settle and decide whether you’re still hungry or not. BUT… If you need more, then go for it! Like anything, know your limits.
Treat Yourself
As I said before, this time of year is known for indulgence but that doesn’t mean you must indulge in food. If you need motivation to go to the gym, then maybe invest in a new top or leggings; if you get excited about new clothes then this is a great excuse to shop as well as wear something pretty and new. There are lots of great deals on sportswear both on the high street as well as online. Take your pick and give yourself a great excuse to exercise!
Keep it Even
It’s this simple: if you want to maintain your weight, your calorie intake (food/drink) must more or less match your calorie outtake (exercise) and to lose weight, you must burn more calories than you’re putting in. Don’t go crazy, but if you feel you’ve overindulged one day then perhaps go for a run the next day to balance it out. It works the other way too: if you’ve had a crazy good workout or just a mad day of running around Christmas shopping, then have a bit more than you would on a less active day!
Don’t freak out!
If it all goes to pot and you succumb to everything sweet and sticky, then don’t worry! Enjoy yourself and re-join the gym with the rest of the guilty-feeling population back in January!
Edited by: Tia Ralhan