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5 Things To Keep In Mind During Finals

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UPR chapter.



You have reached the final stretch of the semester and you’re still doing perfectly fine; well, sometimes. However, there’s still a bit (tons, really) of work left to do.  Many students still have a few papers and essays to hand in, one or two group projects, and alas, the dreaded final exams. We often pressure and put ourselves through unnecessary hardships that could end in frustration, disappointment and stress.  As you prepare to take on the onerous task that is tackling a huge load of work that may or may not be your last hope of improving your academic performance, I present you with some things you should keep in mind as you journey through the final moments of your semester.

1. Do not despair if you’re not as skilled in a class as everyone else

This one is really easy to forget and we often fall into its trap. We all know the process: you put a lot of effort and you try and try and try, and you still don’t get the same amazing results. That’s absolutely fine! Everyone has different skills and it’s okay to not be good at everything. Don’t give yourself a hard time, just do your best!

2. Don’t overstress about your grades


Of course, if you can have all your grades be straight A’s, that would be fantastic. But that doesn’t happen all the time. You’re used to getting all A’s in High School and then, college happens. You definitely don’t want to dramatically drop your GPA, but a B or a C well fought for is not that bad. Gaining knowledge and experience is equally important.

3. It may require more effort from your part, and that’s fine

Don’t compare your achievements to anyone else’s. Instead, think about how you have progressed. Are you doing better than other semesters? What worked and what didn’t? How can you keep improving? Focusing on another person’s grades and achievements, especially if they do extremely well, can be a little disappointing for yourself. However, only you can tell how much you have progressed and how much you have really achieved. So head up and get down to work!

4. Start early

Don’t just think about starting early, do it. Really, really do it. Many don’t even try it. And what can we say? Apparently, we students are drawn to long hours of suffering, pulling all-nighters and looking to finish essays through an adrenaline fueled moment of inspiration. But believe me, you will feel a lot better if you start early; more secure, less stressed and just, happier. Start little by little. You will see results and you won’t regret it.

5. Spare some time for yourself

This is really important, and students tend to dismiss it very quickly. I know that you may feel as though you need every available minute to study and get things done. But we also need to find some space in our schedule and dedicate time to ourselves. Having “me” time will help you relax and stay focused. Your mood will improve and overall, you will be more productive. It’s a win-win situation. So go ahead and read that book you’ve been dying to read or take a walk!