Well, we’re coming down to the wire folks. Thanksgiving is gone, it’s getting colder by the minute, and we’re hearing Jingle Bells and Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer on the radio. Yep, it’s that time of year again people, it’s finals week (bet you thought I was about to say Christmas didn’t you?). For most college students December isn’t really a time for the yuletide joy of Christmas, nope it’s a time for stressing, studying, and trying to find some way to pass those finals, because these may be our last chance to save or grades! (sorry about that had a bit of a flashback there.) But in an all seriousness, finals week is upon us and I know a lot of you are stressing yourselves more than usual over it. But one thing I’ve learned from all of my seniors that have come and gone before me, is the age old secret that isn’t always easy. Not stressing and keeping a clear head.
I know it sounds ridiculous but here me out when you stress over a test or a quiz or a paper what usually happens? We end up exaggerating the gravity of the entire assignment and end up getting completely overwhelmed. Even if the assignment is an assignment that could make or break us, relaxing and taking the assignment one day at a time will help manage your assignment. Plus it will also break it up into pieces so you won’t have to do it all at once! Waiting until the last day or even the last week to do an assignment is a recipe for failure- now I’m not saying start a month in advance (unless it’s like a 30-page paper or something, in that case START IT IMMEDIATELY! WHY ARE YOU STILL READING THIS FEATURE? GO DO YOUR HOMEWORK!) but starting the paper at a reasonable time before its due will greatly help you. And by doing so you won’t have to struggle at the last minute to come up with a topic, or study, or do homework. In relation to this, if you have multiple assignments assigned at the same time but due at different times PLEASE start doing them at different times throughout the course of the semester, you’ll be happy for it later when you don’t have five 8 page papers due every day of the week.
The biggest tip I can give to all of you stressing over upcoming finals week is this…TAKE. A. BREAK! Seriously you ever heard of that old movie line from The Shining (it’s a really freaky old 80s movie look it up) that says: All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.” Well, it’s actually got some truth to it. Studies show that studying extensively for more than 3-4 hours actually makes it harder for you brain to process and retain information. Want to know why? Simple! It’s due to a lack of rest! Your brain behaves like a muscle, and like all muscles it needs rest! So taking a break to watch television, go for a walk, or get something to eat (because I know some of you forget to do that once you get into study mode) can actually increase your chances of passing that midterm rather than studying like a madman/lady for 8 hours straight. Well, those are my tips, stay safe, focused, and remember to relax, good luck on finals.