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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Xavier chapter.

Curly hair can be a great blessing, but sometimes an evil curse. Here are three pros and three cons to having naturally curly hair:

Pro: There is no need to take time to curl your hair.

Con: Straightening your hair can take a very, very long time.


Pro: Even after getting your curly hair wet, your hair still isn’t technically ruined!

Con: Rain to your straightened hair will turn your hair into a curly fuzzball!


Pro: You always get compliments from others about how curly and beautiful your hair is.

Con: You feel very envious of those individuals who have hair that is naturally straight!

Regardless of the pros and cons of having curly hair, your hair is unique to you! Be thankful for the hair that you have, no matter the texture! Embrace the hair that is on your head, and love every strand of it!

Picture Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

Katie Pfeifer is a sophomore Psychology major and Gender and Diversity Studies minor. She is from Springboro, Ohio, which is about 20 minutes south of Dayton. She love to shop, dance, hang out with her friends, and listen to music. She is obsessed with animals, watching youtube videos, and traveling! She has written for Her Campus Xavier and in the past, she worked on the marketing team! She always has a smile on her face, and she loves to make people happy! :)