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What It’s Like To Be Single During The Holiday Season

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bloom U chapter.

Even though being single sucks for the most part, and especially during the holiday season. I’m here to ease your mind and let you know that even though it feels like being single is an all-around negative thing, there are still some positives to spending holidays with just your friends and family.

Holidays are a great time to appreciate the people who you have in your life, not to spend sulking about being single, but c’mon, we’ve all made the comment “I wish I wasn’t single” during at least one of the holidays, I know for me it’s an everyday thing. Being single a low blow to your self-esteem because during every family gathering the question of “when are you going to bring someone special home?” comes up, or if your family is anything like mine you get a “You know, I would like great grandchildren one day”, like yeah grammy, I know.

I know Thanksgiving has already passed, but if you are like me, and sat at the dinner table bae-less, there were some positives to that. Without a significant other in your presence, you don’t have to monitor how much you eat. Go up for thirds girl, who’s stopping you? Another positive about having no one there to impress is you get to wear your fat pants with 0 shame.  The only negative thing about being single during Thanksgiving is not having anyone to cuddle with when that turkey coma hits. 


Christmas might be one of the harder holidays to accept the fact that you’re single. Christmas/winter makes for the cutest couple pictures because kissing under the mistletoe is romantic af and  lets be real here, snow makes everyone look like they are in love. But taking a picture with someone else just takes away your spotlight, YOU ROCK THAT SELFIE GURL.  Look at the bright side though, you don’t have to feel obligated to spend money (which you don’t have) to buy them a gift.

Ah yes,  then comes New Year’s Eve.  Honestly, my best advice: just drink enough champagne that you don’t care who kisses you at midnight.

Hi! My name is Brennan Morell and I am a part of Bloomsburg Univerity's HerCampus team! When I am not writing for them you can find me cheering on the Huskies on the sideline or teaching dance at the Bloomsburg School of Dance in the mall!
I am a 23 year old senior at Bloomsburg University. I am a Mass Communications major on the telecommunications track and with a concentration in Public Relations.