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5 Foods That Will Help Clear Your Skin

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Illinois chapter.

I am a mask fanatic and somewhat of a beauty cream hoarder. Most of my groceries end up on my face rather than on my plate thanks to all those insta videos that have people throwing everything on from charcoal to snail slime to get perfect pores. It also doesn’t help that every acne clearing product’s commercial star girls with literally zero blemishes. I mean, if you’re going to convince me your stuff works, better try a different model next time! While DIY masks are fun, it’s also really important you have a healthy diet and try to incorporate some foods known to help in clearing the skin.

Here’s a few that can help get rid of your skin woes, courtesy of StyleCaster:

Salmon/ Tuna

These oily fish are packed with omega 3 fatty acids and biotin that keeps your skin supply and moisturized. In addition, it keeps the skin nourishes by  reducing the body’s production of inflammatory substances, decreasing clogged pores, and averting fine lines and wrinkles.

Sweet Potato

Not only is it delicious, but it also goes a long way when it comes to skin care. They are very high in Beta carotene- an antioxidant whose protective qualities defend against the damage that sun exposure can cause.


Almonds serve as a great snack which you can take anywhere with you. You can eat them by themselves or add some sliced or chopped ones to salads or yogurt. These too can help your skin from any harm by the sun given they  contain a lot of Vitamin E, which helps the healing process can and be used for treating sunburn or general protection  from the sun. In addition, they benefits the skin by helping it retain its natural moisture content. Vitamin E oil makes dull-looking, dry skin look healthier and fresher.

Dark Chocolate

TREAT YO SELF. Yes, if you’re trying to get your glo on, then help your to some yummy dark chocolate. It contains very little dairy and is also low in sugar. Dark chocolate is full of zinc which is a great acne- fighting ingredient and has antioxidants to improve blood flow and stop winkles. Not to mention, it’s delicious.


It’s not secret that avocados can do a lot of good for your skin. They are packed with antioxidants, monounsaturated fatty acids and other beneficial vitamins to help fight stubborn acne. To add to that they help in losing weight, improving digestion and lowering your risk of serious health problems like heart disease and cancer. So, yeah, extra guac please!


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Editor in Chief of Her Campus Illinois Chapter