The human sense of smell is an amazing function. We are capable of detecting substances in dilutions of less than one part in air of a billion parts. Aromatherapy taps into our sense of smell to deliver medicinal benefits. Although it is primarily “aroma,” the oils used in aromatherapy can also be used on the skin and taken by mouth in small doses. This alternative treatment helps with a multitude of ailments such as infection and mental health.
Essential oils come in plant extracts such as roots, leaves, seeds and flowers. Oils are mixed to promote certain feelings or enhance physical healing. Â The best way to implement aromatherapy at home is through vaporizers, or by diluting the oils and using them on your skin in a massage or a bath.
Vaporizers, or diffusors turn distilled water and oil into a mist that you can inhale. They not only help to relieve pain, improve mood and promote relaxation, but also make your room smell great!
It’s important to use distilled water because regular water contains minerals that can create deposits of bacterial growth in your machine. There are many vaporizers on the market that range from low in price, to high in price. Most machines do the same essential job; the price is just based on how many gadgets and functions you want in a vaporizer. Larger vaporizers can run for longer periods of time and hold a larger volume of water.
There are also vaporizers with settings for changing light colors, automatic shut off and intermittent dispersal. The machine I have only cost me $21 and it’s a basic model made of plastic that holds 120 ml of water. It changes colors and can be set to either disperse the steam continually or intermittently. I highly recommend Amazon vaporizers; the site offers a lot of different options, from fancy wood-detailed diffusors to standard plastic models.
Writer Recommended: Aromatherapy Essential Oil Diffuser, $21.95
Writer Recommended: Aroma Essential Oil Diffuser, $45.99
When choosing an essential oil to use in aromatherapy, it’s important to do your research in order to ensure quality and health standards. Freshness of oil is something to look out for; the oils need to have been stored in temperature-sensitive rooms with minimal lighting so that the therapeutic properties aren’t compromised. The products should be 100% pure, without any fillers or additives. Steam distillation and cold pressed flowers, leaves and wood ensure purity.
Also, look to see if the oils are tested with strict CPTG- Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade protocol. Without proper distillation and protocol, the aromatic compounds in the oils can be altered and destroyed, which makes it impossible to get the health and wellness properties.
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I got into aromatherapy through my favorite yoga studio. The instructor for hot yoga would always end the class by doing a shoulder press with essential oils before shavasana. The oils helped to calm me and get in touch with the intentions that I had set at the beginning of my yoga practice.
Now that I diffuse oils on a regular basis, they help to promote many things. There are oils that help me to sleep or oils that can work as a sexy aphrodisiac. No matter what mood you want to create, or what ailments you possess, there is a mixture of essential oils that can help. Natural remedies like aromatherapy don’t completely cure you, but they are a natural way to help your body.