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To The Girls Who Are ‘Too Emotional’

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Chapman chapter.

I understand. I understand how it feels to cry over that one scene from the movie you’ve seen a million times. I understand how it feels to feel tears welling up in your eyes after enduring even the tiniest unpleasant comment. I understand how it feels to be someone who takes things too serious, cares too much and feels things too strong. I understand how it feels to analyze every word during a conversation and how it feels to be affected by even the slightest change of tone.

It’s all right. It’s all right to cry at videos of puppies swimming for the first time. It’s all right to feel like crying on a Thursday afternoon because your professor was mean to you, because the cafeteria ran out of chicken or even because you listened to that one song. It’s all right to be extremely sensitive to people’s words and actions. It just shows how much you care. You care so much and that’s incredible, because caring is missing nowadays. People are so reluctant to show how much they care.

Don’t change. It’s okay to feel too much and care too much. Forget what people may have told you. Why should it be a bad thing? It’s okay to have so many feelings and it’s okay to be sensitive. You are not weak because you care too much or feel too much. For the people who truly love you, you will never be too much.