You’ve probably heard about the whole “thrill of the chase” and probably wondered why it seems to be so legitimate in the dating world of your 20’s. You constantly wonder why you always want the person that ignores you instead of the one that asks you out on a date numerous times even though you said that you were busy each and every time. Well, the true reason we like the chase so much is because we confuse the excitement with the thrill of how good or bad something can turn out.
1. When someone shows you that they don’t care, believe them
We constantly hear our friends talk about how the reason the guy ignores the girl is because of some crazy excuse of not wanting to seem eager, or maybe the guy is trying to play hard to get. What we need to start doing is telling our friends, or even ourselves, this is exactly the opposite of what’s going on. If a guy genuinely can enjoy the act of ignoring you, that probably isn’t a good thing. You’re worthy of someone that can make the time to talk to you. It’s not about having the time, it’s making the time! We always make time for the things that we want. A good relationship should be balanced, not one person constantly begging another for the time of day.
2. Once the chase is over, so is the relationship
We often find that the beginning stages of a relationship are the most fun. The times where we don’t text back quick enough because we don’t want to seem eager, don’t open their Snapchat stories too quickly because we don’t want to show them TOO much attention… well, long story short, that’s a bunch of crap. Someone who is truly interested will want to talk to you and probably wouldn’t care how fast you texted back because, let me repeat, they’re interested! Being yourself will never end badly, and if it does, that person is not right for you!
3. What works for your friends may not always work for you
Half the time in the beginning of a new fling, we always ask for advice on what to say to someone. Well, what we need to start learning is that the best way talk to someone is to say exactly what we want to say. Next time you’re looking at a text message and not typing because you’re scared, take the risk and say what you want. If it doesn’t work out, it doesn’t work out! It’s better at the end of the day to be yourself then to wonder “what if I was myself from the start, would it be different?”
Although dating in your 20’s seems to be the most difficult thing in the world at times, we need to stop making it more difficult than it has to be. If things aren’t working out in your love life right now, it doesn’t mean it’ll be like that forever! Being yourself and revamping the way you portray yourself is the best way to be 100% you. The energy you give will be the energy you attract.