Not going to lie, this election is a toughie. It’s like comparing dog shit to cat shit. They both smell bad, they both leave stains and they both leave you with the burning question, “What the bleep, dude?”
That being said, GO VOTE! You can only play with the cards you’re dealt and, well, this is what Lady Liberty has given us.
It’s YOUR choice. According to a USAToday article, the biggest turnout for millennial voters was back in 2008 and it was only 50 percent. Prior generations had a turnout of 70 and 80 percent.
For me, the most important thing about this election is that whoever we elect will have the duty of selecting the next Supreme Court Justices.
Don’t let those old clichĂ©s fool you. Your vote does matter. It does count. It will make an impact. After all, you can’t win the lottery, if you don’t play.Â
America, if you want to change things, it starts with you!
It starts Tuesday, November 8, 2016. #RockTheVote