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11 Reasons Why You Should be Excited for the Gilmore Girls Revival

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St. Andrews chapter.

The first trailer for Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life, out on Netflix on Friday November 25, dropped a little more than a week ago, and as a massive Gilmore Girls fan who binge-rewatched all seven seasons of the show after Netflix announced that they were producing a revival, I was waiting with baited breath for it, and honesty, it did not disappoint. Here are eleven reasons (there are many more) why we should all be looking forward to the Gilmore Girls revival :)


1. We get Christmas in Stars Hollow! Lorelai loves snow, and since the revival hits Netflix just before December, Christmas in Stars Hollow is one of the highlights of the trailer.


2. Friday Night Dinners – with Kirk! Adjusting to Friday Night Dinners without Richard was always going to be hard, and now we have the surprise addition of Kirk? I’m intrigued.


3. Richard Gilmore was a central part of Gilmore Girls, and I love that the show is paying tribute to him (and by extension Edward Hermann) – I just wasn’t expecting a life-size portrait, what’s going on?


4. Emily Gilmore in a T-shirt is something I never thought would ever grace our screens, but as heartbreaking as it’s going to be to watch her grieve and slowly move on from Richard’s death, I can’t wait to see what’s in store for her character, both in terms of her relationships with Lorelai and Rory, and her own personal journey.


5. Jess is back! Unlike the majority of Gilmore Girls fans, I’m not a huge Rory/Jess shipper by any means (I hated the way he just left without telling her), but I really liked him as a character and it’s nice to see that he and Rory’s friendship is still going strong J Logan and Dean come back as well, but I’m guessing most people are excited about seeing Jess again :p


6. We get to see Stars Hollow town meetings again! They are a staple of the show, and I can’t wait to see what hijinks will be in store for us.


7. Sookie’s here!! There was a rumor that Melissa McCarthy wouldn’t be available for the revival early on, I’m so glad that turned out to be false – it wouldn’t be Stars Hollow without Sookie :D


8. Rory’s all grown up now, and just as awesome as ever – even if she is a little lost about life, which happens to the best of us J And we get to see Rory at Chilton – the nostalgia…


9. PARIS!! I loved Paris and Rory’s frenemy relationship in the early seasons, and I adored watching it blossom from frenemy to best friends over the years – as awesome as Liza Weil is on How to Get Away with Murder, I’ve missed seeing more of the indomitable Paris Geller on my screen :)


10. We get to see Lane again!! I was somewhat disappointed in her storylines during the later seasons (she should have ended up with Dave, damnit), but it will be interesting to see as a musician and a mother of twin boys :D


11. LUKE AND LORELAI OTP (Need I say more? They better stay together this time!) <3 <3

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Jenny Yau

St. Andrews

I'm Jenny Yau, 19 and from Hong Kong. Reading, writing poetry and watching tv are my main obsessions. I am sometimes mistaken for a hermit, but I'm friendly once you get to know me :p