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The Importance of Sleep in a Hectic World

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Notre Dame chapter.

Hey there, readers! I bet you’re probably sitting there reading this post thinking about all those assignments you have due, that test you have to study for, that workout you need to crush, and the dinner you planned with your best friend. But do you ever think about your body’s need for sleep? Be honest with yourself. It’s something all college students struggle with, although finding the time for a nap can be difficult when you have a paper due tomorrow and you procrastinated all week. It can’t be stressed enough how important sleep is for both your mental health and physical well-being, though. I want you to be the best version of yourself you can be, and I think gaining extra sleep can actually be easy if you put your mind to it. Read on to find out why sleep is so important, what you can do to gain that extra time for dreaming, and just how you can make it all easy for yourself.

Your Brain Is Working While You Sleep

Sleep may seem like the perfect way to take a break from the world. Truly, it is. But did you know that during the hours you’re asleep, your brain is actually working to store all of the information you accumulated throughout the day into your memory? Some parts of the brain are even more active during sleep than when you’re awake throughout the day. So please, do your brain a favor and give it more time to do its job. Would you want to be crunched for time when you’re trying to process all of that information? Neither does your brain!

Take That Power Nap

You heard me. Do you have a gap between classes that isn’t long enough to get homework done, but still long enough that you’re bored not doing anything? Take a nap! Studies show that a 20 minute nap can improve your performance and attention, and it’s short enough that you don’t feel tired after.

Or Go For Something A Little Longer

If you have a little more time to spare, I definitely recommend taking a nap for 60 or 90 minutes. I’ve been incorporating 90 minute naps into my schedule, and let me tell you, it does wonders for my mental health and overall stamina throughout the day! The ideal time to nap is sometime in the afternoon, possibly after lunch if you’re able. The downside to an hour-long nap is that you may feel groggy after. But a 90 minute nap involves a full cycle of sleep. This aids in your emotional memory and your creative side, and you’re quite a bit less likely to wake up during a 90 minute nap than when you set your alarm for only an hour.

Signs That You Need A Nap

Sleepiness is obviously a sign that you need to make time for a nap during the day. It’s not a weakness! It’s your body telling you it needs a little TLC. There are also other signs to watch out for like forgetfulness, irritability, and an inability to stay focused on one task for a long period of time.

Locations For Napping

Notre Dame has some fantastic locations to nap. If you’re not wanting to go back to your room for a nap, try some other places! Take a trip to McWell and reserve the Fort for a nice power nap during the day. Bring your Eno hammock outside (if it’s warm enough in South Bend) and tie it between two trees somewhere on South Quad. Enjoy the view and the quiet breeze before you snooze. Or if you want, take a nap in the DeBart Lounge. There are so many places to explore. Get out there and do it!

Sleeping Essentials

If your problem is you just can’t fall asleep, never fear. I have several things for you to try. Invest in a thick eye mask to block out the light from the room you’re in, especially if you take a nap and your roommate needs to do homework while you snooze. Spray your pillow with lavender essential oils. It will calm you enough so you can easily fall asleep. Sometimes nose strips help to clear your nasal passages and improve your breathing. And PLEASE put the technology down. The blue light keeps you too alert. Opt for reading for about 30 minutes before you sleep. It does the trick for me every time!

I hope these tips help you get some beauty sleep! It’s so much more important than we think, and I truly believe we take sleep for granted. You’ll find that napping during the day/going to bed earlier will leave you feeling refreshed and ready to tackle any day! Cheers!


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Well hi there! My name is Madelyn, and I'm a freshman at the University of Notre Dame majoring in Pre-Medicine and Romance Languages. I'm a lover of all things fashion and beauty, and it's my dream to intern with a magazine one day. You can catch me perusing Vogue, singing in the Opera, dancing with Troop ND, boxing for exercise, and obsessing over anything pink. I hope you can find something lovely in my articles that sticks with you! Cheers!! XO