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To My Friends Who Are Struggling Through High School

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Chapman chapter.

To my friends who are struggling through high school
 I could not be more proud that you are here. High school moves so rapidly, and is chock-full of unnecessary people and situations, and the fact that you are both breathing and moving forward today makes me excited for your future. 

I know it’s tough, I do. I understand those mornings when you feel like you won’t be able to get out of bed to put on your makeup. I understand how it feels when you have a test in all six classes on that one horrid Friday, and I also understand how temporary your situation is. 

Believe me, I felt like I would never escape it. You do, though, and let me tell you – college is so much better. In college you choose the way that you live. You chose when you wake up and when you go to sleep, and if you need a mental health day, there’s no one telling you “no.” 

It’s all up to you in college. Who you hang out with, where your feet take you, when you eat
 I’m not saying all of the independence is always good. I mean a girl gets broke sometimes
 but I am saying things WILL CHANGE. 

Treasure the moments you’ve got while in high school and try not to let the pain cloud your happiness. I know that’s difficult, and easier said than done, but work to find something that will stop your tears after they’ve flowed for weeks.

High school sucks. It truly does. The people suck, the classes suck, the environment
 it can really get rough sometimes, but surprise, it’s like real life. 

My advice?

Breathe, wake up and try to smile for REAL. You will make it through this.

Pyper Hayden is a freshman at Chapman University. She is a Creative Writing major from San Carlos, California. In her free time, she enjoys eating “good”* food, making people laugh, and performing. Pyper has been writing since high school, finding specific passions in genres including: horror, romance, and playwriting. She aspires to one day have her script(s) produced by a high-end theatre company. *“Good food” = pasta (she’s picky!)