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To The Girls Who Need To Know They’re Beautiful

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Chapman chapter.

You’re beautiful because you are strong. You have braved through a storm and still stand with your head held high. You may have experienced bad moments in your life. Who hasn’t? You know what makes you beautiful? Your ability to fight through the bad times and come out stronger.

You’re beautiful because you are smart. You are intelligent and hard-working. As Ashton Kutcher put it, “The sexiest thing in the entire world, is being really smart.” Don’t play dumb to look “cute” or “attractive.” You are so much more than a face. Embrace your beautiful mind and use it to change the world.

You’re beautiful because you are kind, because you are thoughtful. Even with a million things on your to-do list, you will still be there to help your parents around the house, to listen to a friend and to talk to your brother. You know that what matters most is how you make people feel.

You want to know what’s truly beautiful? Your smile when you hear your favorite song. The way you focus while writing an exam. The way you shiver when it gets cold. The way you say “hello” when you answer the phone. When you absentmindedly play with your hair while waiting in long lines. The way you stare into the distance, searching for inspiration to write that essay. True beauty lies in running to class, falling asleep in the car or biting into that slice of pizza. It lies in your late-night conversations, your afternoon naps and your 8 a.m. yawns.

I’m not going to tell you to stop gazing into the mirror, but when you do look into that mirror, will you do me a small favor? Smile at that bad-ass, drop-dead gorgeous woman in front of you. Tell her how beautiful she is.