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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Columbia Barnard chapter.

You have probably seen her around campus, sketching away so diligently. The mysterious artist is Omaymah Harahsheh a junior at Barnard. I asked what her inspiration was to her beautiful work and she responded:

“We often get too busy with school work that we neglect the beauty we are surrounded by. I never realized how mesmerizing our campus and this city are until I started sketching them. Every pen stroke on my sketchbook is a detail that has a story of a hardworking architect, construction worker, gardener,.. behind it. I’m thankful for my procrastination skills that have led me to unleash my inner artist and appreciate the beauty around me. “

Her instagram is @omaymahh 

 Follow her instagram if you want to check out her art! Here are some works that she has done around our beautiful campus!

     The Quad

Butler Library                                              

Philosophy Hall                         


