Being a colligate athlete is different than high school in many different ways, but being a colligate cheerleader is a whole other world.  In high school everything was funded and practices were right after school and the energy of the school on a Friday was something that couldn’t be put into words.Â
Hi, I’m Brennan Morell, a second year captain of the Bloomsburg University Cheerleading Squad.  I would just like to start out by saying how much I love the “sport” itself, and my team and coach make it so much more enjoyable for me.  I am going to describe to you what it is like to be a BU Cheerleader.  Being a cheerleader at Bloomsburg University is such an honor but also a lot of work and time management skills.  Our practices are from 9 p.m. till 11 p.m. at night because unlike other sports, we do not get priority scheduling.  When we have a home game, we also practice up on the track from 4 p.m. – 6 p.m.  Along with practice 2-3 days a week, we are also required to go to the gym for at least an hour.  You will be sore, but I promise it will be worth it when you step on the sidelines on a Saturday afternoon and look up into the crowd.Â
At practices we usually start with a lap around the gym to warm up the muscles, then we stretch as a team. Â Majority of the time is spent working on the routine that will be performed during home games, each home game is a different routine. Routines are very extensive and are made up by the captains, they include a stunt sequence, dance, basket tosses, and a pyramid and can only be a minute and thirty seconds long. Â The fast pace of the routine is why we require the team to go to the gym to build their stamina.
When it comes to funding, you really have to practice your marketing skills, because we have to fundraise for everything we want/ need. The only things provided for us are our uniforms, which includes, shell top, skirt, body liner, sneakers, spankies, and one bow. But in addition to that, we are required to purchase our warm up sweat suit, rain jackets, pom poms, a backpack, and any additional bows. We fundraised a lot this season and were able to afford pink bows, shirts, and poms for Breast Cancer Awareness month.
Being a part of the BU Cheer Squad has made my college experience so much more fun because we are always trying to get involved on campus. Be sure to look for us on Friday’s before home games promoting and inviting all students!Â