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Creative Corner: “If I were a sweater…”

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Rowan chapter.

“If I were a sweater…”


If I were a sweater, I’d want to be one of yours.

I’d want to be the one that you wear the most,

so I could be with you all day, cuddled so close.


If I were a sweater, I’d want to be one with memories.

One that holds a secret only you know,

where we snuck out at night in the winter snow. 


If I were a sweater, I’d want to be one that’s cozy.

I’d be the one to keep you warm in the cold weather,

while you’re curled up on a couch of leather.


If I were a sweater, I’d want to be one of value.

I’d want to be kept and taken out during the summer,

just so you could sit back, think of me and remember

that I stayed with you through December.


–Kayla Harrison (2015)–


I am a full-time student at Rowan University majoring in both Early Childhood Education and Literary Studies, with a minor in Writing Arts. I absolutely love writing poetry and hope to get some of mine published one day. I LOVE to read, particularly YA fiction. On my free time I like to watch Netflix, or browse Barnes and Noble for my next read, with a caramel macchiato in hand.
I am a Writing Arts major at Rowan University. Poetry is my best friend. One day, I hope to be a successful writer for a popular magazine in NYC. My dream is to travel to Paris, London, and Rome to explore and write about my experiences there.