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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St. Andrews chapter.



You know my favourite kind of weather?

When it’s finally cold enough to take out the radiator,

And go to sleep with heating pads at my feet.

I wake up when it’s still dark,

Wrapped up in my old dressing gown,

My hands nestled in the deep pockets.

The wind is strong in my face,

I drink it in,

& I push the window open a little more.

It’s like the smallest kind of happiness

I tuck into my sleeve and look at from time to time,

Only to sometimes find it pressed between

The pages of a good book.

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Jenny Yau

St. Andrews

I'm Jenny Yau, 19 and from Hong Kong. Reading, writing poetry and watching tv are my main obsessions. I am sometimes mistaken for a hermit, but I'm friendly once you get to know me :p