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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Toronto MU chapter.

With Halloween fast approaching, those of us who haven’t decided what to wear are scrambling for costume ideas. Preferably something low cost that requires minimum effort. What about a sexy cat? Or a sexy bunny? Sexy angel? Sexy anything really. 

But every season you hear the same questions brought up regarding sexy costumes: “Isn’t that demeaning?” “Shouldn’t women stop supporting an industry that exploits their bodies for commercial use?”  The conversation starts off with valid questions but somehow it boils down to slut-shaming and finger-pointing of women. The lost, and perhaps, key word that is often missing in the conversation is choice

Everyone is entitled to choice: the choice to wear or not wear certain attire or costumes. This topic seems to be increasingly sensitive for females who attend university because they’re often reduced to a label based on what they wear.  Once you realize the strength that lies in making decisions for yourself, the happier and more satisfied you will be with yourself as a person.   

In light of Halloween, the issue of choice is especially important: express yourself in a way that you see fit. It’s a fun time to be whoever you want for a night and retire your everyday identity. So I say: express yourself. Feel good about yourself. If the way you choose to express yourself is as a sexy cat, and that makes you feel good, then go for it! 

Don’t let anybody tell you that you shouldn’t wear something because it isn’t empowering. Empowerment is whatever you make it. It’s a choice. That being said, should you choose to express yourself in a way that doesn’t expose skin and that makes you happy, then by all means don’t write off any option. 

Ryerson Journalism Student and Blogger living in Toronto. earthtoemma.weebly.com
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Lena Lahalih

Toronto MU

Lena is a fourth year English major at Ryerson University and this year's Editor-in-Chief.   You can follow her on Twitter: @_LENALAHALIH