A little late for Teachers’ Day, but nonetheless still on point, being a professor is also learning how to teach; It is to dedicate yourself, patiently and persistently, to captivate the students. After all, it’s not an easy job, it’s more than teaching – it’s to educate.
Each teacher has its particularity way to teach. Some are kind of low profile, others are more fussy; some you love, others you hate, but some you love and hate at the same time; some are demanding, some pushes you up; with some you identify. But, in fact, we all know that they have a truly commitment with their students to give their best, and the casperians that Her Campus interviewed showed that they are deeply thankful to their teachers. In honor of these essential people, we asked students about who are the most beloved ones in Casper Libero.
“Luis Mauro instigates everyone to go deeper, beyond the classroom, and makes everything pleasant, even on Friday nights at the last class before weekend”, says Helena, from Journalism. Luis Mauro Sá Martino is known not only for teaching Compared Communications, but also for his charisma and cuteness.
For Ligia, Wellington is an example of how captivate students in times of smartphones and many distractions in air.  “I think it’s his didactics. You don’t just decorate a content over and over again just to do exams, you really know why you’re doing that and, for me, this is the meaning of truly learning something”
Leandro, from Jornalism, think it’s the proximity that creates bond between students and teachers. “I like most of them, but people like Bianca Santana, Ester Rizzi and Celso Unzelte are just great. I can feel that they are really qualified for their roles in our formation, and it is stimulating.”
Although seems that casperians are very emotional about their professors, there’s always a pattern in cases like this. The chosen ones by most of interviewed were Jorge Paulino, who teaches History of Art, and Liráucio Girardi Jr., from Sociology.
Liraucio Girardi Jr.
Jorge Paulino
According to the Radio, TV, Internet students, Paulino’s class is a real class, instigating and keeps everybody awake. His teaching method and control of the classroom makes the class dynamic and outstanding. Besides, of course, his charisma, animation and his cute and funny way that attracts students.
Lira, a nickname for Liraucio, has a peaceful voice and all the patience in the world to make sure that his students are comfortable and having an experience that surpasses the University’s environment, straight to the society. “I am passionate about being a teacher, and it’s more a benefit for me, I guess, than for students”, says Lira.
Today we’d like to say a special thank you to all Professors for the commitment, effort, dedication and love. Happy Teachers Day!
Giovanna Galvani e Marina Teixeira