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Isa Blanes: Delta Zeta Philanthropy Chair

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

Name: Isa Blanes

Age: 20

Hometown: Miami, FL

Majors: Finance and Political Science 

Year: Junior

Courtesy: Madison Berko


Her Campus (HC): Delta Zeta just put on their first annual fundraising event, “Lazer Wars” this past spring, what gave you the idea to put on such a unique event?

Isa Blanes (IB): Coming into the position I knew that our spring philanthropy event, Clay Classic, needed to be changed. Clay Classic was a skeet shooting competition and knowing nothing about guns, I knew it was time to change things up. To keep the same idea as Clay Classic, chapter members had approached me asking if it was possible to do a laser tag competition and I took the idea and made it happen!

Courtesy: Cole Zimmerman, Craft Creek Photography


HC: What is the most rewarding part of your job?

IB: The most rewarding part has to be giving back to such an amazing cause, I also love that we are able to directly impact our Tallahassee community and give back to the FSU Speech and Hearing Clinic!

HC: What made you want to step up and take this position?

IB: I have always been generally interested in volunteer work and giving back so I thought this could be a stepping stone to doing something bigger. I also was really looking forward to getting involved with Delta Zeta and changing some things to help raise more money for our philanthropy events.

HC: Obviously a lot of work on your part goes on behind the scenes, can you describe some of these things?

IB: What a lot of people don’t realize is how time consuming event planning can be, you always have to expect the unexpected. While planning Laser Warz I really struggled trying to find a company that would come out and bring the materials needed such as the actual laser guns and inflatable barriers. There is also a lot of time and effort that goes into the small details which makes your assistants so essential.

HC: What do you feel you have gained from this experience?

IB: I’ve gained experience in not only event planning and fundraising but I have also improved my leadership and communication skills by working with the executive board and my philanthropy committee.

HC: If you could give any piece of advice to someone considering taking on a position like yours, what would it be?

IB: Organizing these large-scale philanthropy events can be very time consuming and overwhelming but I think it is very manageable as long as you set up a plan and give yourself a sufficient amount of time to complete each task. Also, it is key to have a few assistants or a committee to work with because they help with the small details to each aspect of the event.

HC: Outside of your position in Delta Zeta, what else are you involved in?

IB: I am an intern at Ross consulting where I am the Assistant to the Finance Director of a reelection campaign, a member of the Student Foundation Board of Trustees and Operations captain for Dance Marathon.

HC: What type of experience has this position offered you that will be useful when you graduate?

IB: I’ve learned how to successfully plan an event which has been extremely helpful especially with my internship because I have been able to pitch in with ideas! I also think what I’ve learned through this experience will help me in the future if I end up decided to work with nonprofit organizations.

HC: Who inspires you?

IB: My parents inspire me the most because they are always there for support, advice and guidance but I am also inspired by some of my best friends because we always push each other to be the best we can be.

HC: What are your plans after college?

IB: After college I plan on attending law school and hopefully business school as well. I would love to do something that involves a mix of corporate law or anything within the U.S. government.  

Florida State University junior, just winging it.
Her Campus at Florida State University.