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What College is like When You’re from an All-Girls High School

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SAU chapter.

Everyone’s four years in high school are a little different. You can talk about your different cliques, classes sizes and the average pruebscent dilemmas no one cares about now. But unlike others, my high school days were way different. I went to an all-girls high school, so you can imagine that my college life is a little different. Here’s why: 


1. It’s weird seeing boys in class, at lunch, and pretty much around every corner.





2. I feel super confident talking in class, and I’m not afraid to get my point across. 

You want to fight about feminism in class? Hold on, let me just pull up some reciepts. 


3. People are always surprised when I tell them. 

Wait.. you went where?! No boys? Like at all? 


4. Then after being so shook, people would apologize for me.

I don’t know why this always happens, but it does. I’m like, sorry for what? Having an amazing high school experience? Thanks. 


5. I’m not afraid to speak my mind.

   Beware if it gets heated because I won’t back down.  



At the end of the day, I’m so happy that I went to an all-girl’s high school. I’m even happier that I chose St. Ambrose. This college is a great fit for me, even though I grew up with different experiences than everyone else – possibly an even better ones. It’s made me the person I am today. 



*All gifs from GIPHY*


Her Campus at SAU