Binge watching Netflix is absolutely great. So many shows and movies to choose from! It’s great to do in the summer when you don’t have to worry about anything. You can be lazy all you want and no one to tell you to get up and be productive.
But while in college this task may be more difficult. When you binge watch, you end up becoming a different person. Here is the process that I normally go through.
Find a show to binge
Right now I am currently binging season seven of The Vampire Diaries right before the season eight premiere. After I finish that, I will be finishing up The Office. Then I will be selecting other new shows to watch. The list just keeps going on and on.
Keep Watching and Get No Work Done
There’s a little part in my brain that says you should do work for your classes and be productive. There’s also another little part in my brain that’s saying, “No its ok you can do it later continue watching the show”.
You End Up Becoming Antisocial
When you binge, all you want to do is just sit there and watch your show and not move. Maybe get up occasionally to stretch, go eat, and use the bathroom. You don’t go out with your friends, and when they’re talking about their night you can update them on a show they probably don’t care about.
Sleep is for the Weak
There is no sleeping when you binge watch. The show is too good to put away and you must know what happens. Let’s not forget that if you aren’t on the last season of a show good luck trying not to go to the next season just to see what happens. Those cliff hangers always leave you wanting more.
Repeat the Process
Once you finish that one amazing show, you currently don’t know what to do with yourself now that it’s over. Of course you can finally get all that work done that’s been piling up or you can repeat the process and see where that takes you.
In the end, we all wish this could be our job and not worry about anything else. But reality sets in and you realize you are still a student and work actually needs to get done. Binge watching is great and no matter how many times we might tell ourselves “I should probably do my work,” we will always hit the next episode button.