As I’m sure is the case with most people, watching the second presidential debate resulted in a multitude of different emotional and physical reactions from me and my friends. Thankfully, none of them were caught on camera. It’s quite surreal to think that politics in America has come to this point. As I reviewed the more significant—and frankly unbelievable—moments from Sunday night’s debate, there’s a man whose iconic facial expressions were called to my mind. His name is Ben Wyatt, from “Parks and Recreation.”
1. Not only did both candidates begin the night without the traditional handshake, within the first five minutes, CNN’s Anderson Cooper was grilling Trump on his 2005 “Access Hollywood” leaked recording. “You bragged that you have sexually assaulted women,” Cooper said. “Do you understand that?” Trump reminded Cooper he had already “apologized” to Americans, then immediately attempted to explain how what he’d said didn’t matter in a world where ISIS existed.
“I have great respect for women,” Trump said. “Nobody has more respect for women than I do.”
2. Trump, knowing this leaked audio of him would most definitely be a conversation piece, strategically brought in three women last-minute who’d accused Bill Clinton of sexual assault. What he somehow failed to understand is that Hillary is not an extension of her husband, and that Bill Clinton is not the candidate running for President.
3. Clinton ended her response to Trump’s accusations by demanding that he apologize for his racist birtherism campaign, while Trump, ever the petulant child, essentially hit back with a “you started it” comment, and contended that Clinton should apologize for the same thing.
4. Clinton reminded the audience and viewers that fact-checking Trump was available through her website, and stated: “It’s just awfully good that someone with the temperment of Donald Trump is not in charge of the law in our country.” Trump crossed the line and threatened, “Because you would be in jail.”
Now, Clinton’s alleged scandals have been thoroughly and exhaustively investigated, and there has been scanty evidence to support incarcerating her. Trump, did you know that this is something authoritarian regimes and dictators do—jail their opposition?
5. Trump went first to respond to a question posed by an undecided Muslim voter, who asked what each nominee would do to tend to the growing issue of Islamophobia in the U.S. after the election. Trump, once again not answering the question, immediately began with how the Muslim community, specifically, should be helping law enforcement against terrorism: “We have to be sure that Muslims come in and report when they see something going on.”
Not only did he not give her an answer to her question, but he only enforced the idea that Muslims are somehow indirectly responsible for all terror attacks that occur in the U.S.
6. In response to the question “Is it okay for policitians to be two-faced? Is it acceptable for a politician to have a private stance on issues?”, Trump’s answer to Clinton’s claim that he had reason to appreciate Russia’s support for his presidency was: “I know nothing about Russia—I know about Russia, but I know nothing about the inner workings of Russia.”
Ah, yes, it would be preferential to have a president who has no knowledge on how one of our greatest adversaries operates. Presidents don’t have to deal with foreign policy or anything.
7. Another worrisome answer from Trump came as a response to a question from Spencer Moss. He asked what either candidate would do to ensure that the wealthiest Americans paid their fair share of taxes. Trump reminded us that the wealthy take advantage of the system (which I don’t think he intentionally meant to do), and that he would cut taxes for the middle class to stimulate growth in the U.S.
“I’m sorry, I have to keep saying this,” Clinton said, “but he lives in an alternate reality.”
8. After Karl Becker asked his legendary question about what the candidates respected about the other, both Clinton and Trump responded with as much civility as they could muster. Clinton said that she respected Trump’s children, and Trump admitted that his opponent was a tough fighter. Oh, I’m sorry, did he not just two weeks ago criticize her stamina?Honestly, it felt nice to experience a light-hearted moment after such a cringe-worthy 90 minutes, but in the middle of the gaiety the realization hits: in less than 30 days, you are going to be voting for one of these people.