Photo by Jon Whitaker Photography
The chatter of excited fans tailgating on the quad, the faint sound of Dixieland Delight around campus, Denny Chimes reminding everyone how long until kickoff. These are among popular sounds on game day during football season. However, the most recognizable is the iconic sound of The University of Alabama’s Million Dollar Band.
As the University’s largest student organization, the Million Dollar Band’s 400 members are comprised of students across all majors and colleges, including music, education, communication, engineering and science.
“The MDB has given me the opportunity to meet and interact with some of the most impressive and active people at The University of Alabama,” Amanda Hydrick, fourth year member of the MDB, said. “The MDB is made up of a wide variety of students that are involved in many different colleges and organizations and I get the opportunity to be friends with them through this organization.”
The band starts its season the first full week in August at fall band camp. During this time, the band meets three times a day for hours on end learning marching techniques, music and the first halftime show. The practice doesn’t end there; the band meets every weekday to rehearse for two hours as well as a long rehearsal on game days. Game days are filled with the morning rehearsal, a pep-rally Elephant Stomp, pregame performance, halftime performance and constant playing throughout the game.
“We start so early in the year and we essentially keep going until January,” Katy Gelenski, second year member of the MDB said. “It amazes me how so many people make that amount of time available to spend on something they’re truly passionate about.”
The time commitment doesn’t stop the Million Dollar Band’s members from participating. This organization has given its members a multitude of things. For Gelenski, it was travel.
“The MDB has given me lifelong friends and experiences I will never forget,” Gelenski said. “My favorite one was probably going to Phoenix for the National Championship game.” For others, it was going to games for free, developing deep friendships and memories, or being able to still express themselves musically.
“My favorite thing about being in the MDB is getting the opportunity to have a creative outlet on a consistent basis,” Hydrick said. “I have always loved playing an instrument and feel a deep connection to music…Band gives me the opportunity to still stay connected to this hobby that means so much to me.”
Whether they’re sweating in their hot uniforms on game day, missing classes to travel for away games, or enduring long game days that sometimes last 10+ hours on end, there is no doubt that the men and women of the Million Dollar Band are dedicated to providing an atmosphere on game days that has lasted for 104 years.