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8 Reasons to Learn Another Language

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Texas chapter.

8 Reasons to Learn Another Language

1.      It’ll boost your brain.


If this isn’t enough to convince you, I’ve got 7 more reasons coming your way. Studies have shown that bilingual people’s brains have more grey matter (the part of the brain that processes information) than people who are monolingual. People who can speak two or more languages also tend to score higher on standardized tests.


2.      You’ll gain access to new cultures.


Ever find yourself fantasizing about what it’s like to live in a different country? With beautiful pastures, beaches, or mountains… I definitely do! It’s easier than ever to fulfill your desires of wanderlust, so take advantage of it.


3.      It will enrich your traveling experiences.


With your new language skills, you’ll be able to interact with the locals in a way that most tourists can’t. Whether it’s being able to understand the menu and order a delicious meal or having the ability to strike up a conversation at the local bar, your language skills could take you to places you never expected to go.


4.      It could help you land a job and gain access to new opportunities.


With America’s diversity growing, knowing a second language has become a requirement for some positions. So if you’re worried about job opportunities after college, beef up your resume with a second language.


5.      It’s attractive and will make you more interesting.


Nothing’s more attractive than confidence and knowing a second language will definitely boost yours. Speaking two or more languages makes you more interesting because it shows that you’re intelligent & cultured. Plus, it’s just plain sexy.


6.      You’ll have the chance to meet people from different cultures.


There are wonderful people living all over the globe, so what are you waiting for? You can build long-lasting relationships with people from all kinds of backgrounds and make your life more interesting.


7.      America’s diversity is growing and being bilingual is helpful.


You don’t have to travel to another country to experience a different culture or meet people who speak different languages. You can do so right here.


8.      If Trump becomes president, you’ll have options.


If that’s not enough of a reason, I don’t know what will do it for you.

Peace & love,



I'm a junior at UT Austin with a passion for psychology and mental health, music, and love.