It’s finally here! The temperature is slowly dropping back down into a range that’s bearable, the leaves on the trees are beginning to change color, and yes – pumpkin spice lattes are back. Fall has arrived and I am, like many of you, absolutely thrilled about the season change! That being said, I have a confession to make – the only forms of pumpkin I enjoy are pumpkin pie and jack-o-lanterns. I am not excited about the pumpkin spice latte or pumpkin-scented candles, or pumpkin donuts, or anything of the sort. In fact, I think the rather intense focus we put on the pumpkin takes away from all the other wonderful things fall has to offer.
1. Apples
I have another confession: I don’t love apple pie. Sure, I’ll eat it, but pumpkin pie wins every time for me. Apple cider, on the other hand, is one of my favorite things in the world. Apples come into season during the fall, so naturally there’s no better time to enjoy a caramel apple, apple cider, apple pie or any other apple recipe you might have up your sleeve!
2. Fall Fashion
My fall wardrobe houses all my favorite outfits. Summer is too hot to look nice, and during the winter, I just want to cozy up in leggings or sweatpants and a sweat shirt! I am definitely ready to break out the long-sleeved shirts, jeans, scarves and boots.
3. Halloween
THIS IS HALLOWEEN! Halloween for kids is super fun because you get to dress up and go out for treats. In college, you still dress up, but maybe we focus a little more on the “tricks.” Regardless of how you choose to spend your Halloween, there’s never a wrong time for candy, scary movies and getting together with friends!
4. Thanksgiving
Even though we tend to wrap up Thanksgiving with Christmas and Hanukkah, Thanksgiving is a fall holiday. Thanksgiving is the best holiday, in my opinion, because I absolutely love dinner and getting to see my family. My favorite part might be the family tradition where we all go out Black Friday shopping after dinner! Hooray for Thanksgiving!
5. Fall Food
Gone are the days of “It’s too hot to cook!” The temperature is just right to turn on the oven and make a wonderful lasagna or pasta dish. Break out the crockpot and whip up a soup or stew. The possibilities are endless. Fall is the perfect time for warm, hearty dishes!