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Jacqueline Santana, Fashion Extraordinaire

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCD chapter.

Jacqueline is a vivacious fourth year who can rock high heels like no one else, and knows everything about fashion and trends. Her favorite experiences in Davis have been coming to the realization that her passion for fashion can become her dream job, as well as studying abroad in London.

Name: Jacqueline Santana

Year: 4th

Major: Design

Hometown: Pacoima, CA


Davis Q’s

As you start the journey to finish your time here at Davis, what are you going to miss?

I am going to miss just being surrounded by close friends all the time. Things like going on late night runs to McDonald’s and staying up really late and talking feels like an exclusively college thing to do.

You didn’t start as a Design major here at Davis, what made you switch?

I thought I could push myself to do something I don’t love, but that just isn’t me. It is not just the pretty clothes I love. My real interest has been learning how to make products value more beyond the price tag.

When did you become interested in fashion, and what would be your dream job involving it?

I became interested in fashion when I was about five and ever since then I have wanted to own a boutique that specializes in couture fashion.

You recently travelled to London this past Spring Quarter, any advice to those thinking about studying abroad?

JUST DO IT. It is so worth it and life changing.

What was your favorite part about studying abroad?

Nothing felt too stressful, professors are understanding, and everyone is there just to learn about and enjoy the city.  

Fun Questions

First thought you had this morning?

I should call the bookstore to see if my order came in.

If you could travel back in time, where would you go and what would it be?

I would like to go back to the time when I used to come home after school and just watch cartoons, especially Pokémon.

Food you crave the most when you’re away from home?

Street tacos and a Mexican coke.

If you could take any animal and make it mini, what would you choose and why?

I would like to make a mini Macaw. That way it could talk to me and it would be easy to carry.  

What is your dream date?

My dream date is when the guy takes me somewhere romantic and just treats me like a lady and spoils me like a princess for the entirety of the date.  

Lightning Round

Celebrity Crush: Tom Welling

Favorite TV Show: Reign

Last Thing You Ate: Chipotle

Turn On: Gentlemen

Turn Off: Rude People

Alexandra is a sophomore English major at UC Davis. She loves reading and writing, and her favorite things to do consist of playing her clarinet in the Band-Uh and talking about her dog, Bear.
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