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The Art of the To-Do List

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Utah chapter.

Happy first day of school, collegiettes! Chances are, with school now in full swing, you have a hefty to do list and it’s not going to get any shorter until Fall Break! There is nothing more satisfying than crossing off an item on your to do list when you’ve finally finished a task. However, I always find myself adding to my list or just transferring items over to another list. Although I am completing tasks throughout the day the sense of achievement definitely goes down as I look at my list at the end of the day and realize there are 10 more things left to do.

Designing the perfect to do list is nearly impossible; it is almost an art form. Here are a few secrets to creating a to do list that will make you feel as if you have actually done something.

  • First things first don’t put on things you have already done. I have been known to put things on just to cross them off, which in reality defeats the purpose of the list.
  • You don’t need to accomplish every task on the list. Set out a daily list that is doable, this means there should be no more than 10 items you have to do. Between school, work, and all the extracurricular activities (have you applied for Her Campus Utah yet?) you partake in, you don’t have time for more than 10 extra things.
  • Color-code this list. What better way to encourage you to carry around a list and actually refer back to it? Make it pretty and make it approachable and fun because chances are not all the items on the list are fun.
  • Take time when writing. No one wants to look at a daunting piece of paper that was scribbled in the car. This list should be a representation of your priorities, what do you want to accomplish? Be thoughtful when deciding what to put down and how you write it.


There is no use in punishing yourself for not accomplishing everything on your to do list, but try to make positive choices such as not opening Netflix until you have finished your list. You are in college! This is the time to be accountable for yourself and set good habits that will start you off on the right foot for your first job. 

I am a current journalism student at the University of Utah. I have spent my years in college studying, traveling, and writing. I am a campus writer for the University of Utah and have my own blog Beautiful Detour. If I am not on campus I am hopefully off in another country meeting new people...or lying in my bed under a million blankets watching that day's netflix binge.
Her Campus Utah Chapter Contributor