Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton just released how much money she’s made in the past year, and my eyes are pretty much popping out of my head. According to the Associated Press, she earned over $5 million dollars in royalties from her book Hard Choices, and on top of that, another $1.5 million in speaking fees before she began her campaign. Don’t you wish your job in retail paid that well? Her husband also earned more than $5 million from his speaking tour, as well as through other banking and corporate interests.
Now, Clinton isn’t trying to rub how rich she is in our faces. The reason she released her tax returns to the Federal Election Commission is to jab Republican nominee, Donald Trump, for his lack of monetary transparency.
You know how Trump is always talking about how filthy rich he is? Well, if he has so much money and is such a wise businessman, he shouldn’t be afraid to show us, which is what Clinton is getting at. Trump recently claimed that his revenue has increased by $190 million, and that his net worth has been raised to about $10 billion. He’s submitted his financial disclosure, but has yet to release his tax returns.
The Clinton campaign will continue to put pressure on Trump until he comes forward with his tax returns, but they suspect something fishy is happening here. What do you think?