We all made group chats with our floors the first week of freshman year, and some may have died out within the first few weeks of school, while others are still going strong, surviving even the nightmare that is BC housing. Whether yours changed or stayed the same, here are some of the texts you undoubtedly have sent yourself or have seen on a regular basis.
Anyone at Eagles right now?
Can we get dinner at 6:30?
Let’s go out tonight!
We already ordered Domino’s.
Can I borrow someone’s wedges for the formal tonight?
What’s the weather like today?
Remember to get your Plexapalooza/Showdown/Modstock tickets today!!!!
Where are you?
Mac has the acai bowls today!
Does anyone have popcorn or hummus in their room?
Let’s go to White Mountain!
I wanna go to Stokes instead of the lounge tonight.
I need hairspray; can I borrow someone’s?
Meet me at the Chocolate Bar in 5.
Let’s stay in tonight.
It’s sad that these won’t be popping up on your phone as frequently over the summer, but there is still next fall to look forward to when you’re all reunited on move-in day!