As college students, sleep is not our first priority. Since we have so much on our plate at all times, when it comes down to it, sleep is the last thing on “to-do” our list. For human survival we need a few basic things: water, air, food, and to no surprise, sleep. We simply cannot go on in this world without sleep. In yet, we continue to ignore that fact. Arianna Huffington, cofounder, president, and editor in chief of the Huffington Post Media Group and the author of 15 books, is an extreme advocate of sleep and its importance. She addresses the issue of sleep deprivation in her newest book, The Sleep Revolution
For Arianna Huffington, her wake-up call was passing out from exhaustion. We know more about sleep now than ever before and still, people all over the world are failing to realize how important sleep is to our physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. Too many people have said, “I wish I took those naps seriously when I was younger.” And it is true, the lack of sleep is constantly catching up and taking its toll on our bodies.
Below, we added Arianna’s 12 tips for better sleep.
In light of Arianna Huffington’s Sleep Revolution, we were able to receive a sleep kit and a copy of the book. Our kit includes an extremely comfortable Coco-Mat pillow, a #SLEEPREVOLUTION sleep mask, the cutest bag, and a copy of the book. Coco-Mat, on their website, states to “offer blissful sleep to every person who sleeps on our beds, our pillows and our mattresses.” All of the items in the kit especially the book, provide the means to learn about sleep and help us college students get the sleep we deserve.
Join the revolution and purchase your copy of The Sleep Revolution on Amazon now!