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7 Things All College Students Need to Hear

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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Washington chapter.

College is a weird time in life. Sometimes you need to be reminded that we’re all on the same page.

1. You deserve free time

You have two midterms to study for, one essay to write, three e-mails to reply to, and you want to go out with your friends. You’re busy, I get it, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t find a little time to relax. You deserve some time to watch some Netflix, go for a run, or do whatever it is that makes you happy, and you shouldn’t feel guilty for it. The fact of the matter is free time is healthy and it’s one of the few things that will keep you from going crazy when you have one too many things on your plate. Don’t feel bad for taking a study break to watch an episode of Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, you deserve it.


2. Your social life is fine

It’s time to stop worrying whether you have a big enough social group or go to enough parties. Whether you have 50 friends or just a couple that you talk to regularly, you’re fine. College is not high school and your goal should not be to become the most popular person on campus. The point of having friends is to make you happy, so don’t waste your time worrying about whether or not people are judging you. They’re not. Luckily for you, everyone else is busy worrying about what you think of them.


3. College is more than a stepping stone

College can feel a lot like an investment you’re waiting to cash in on. You’re not a kid anymore, but you still have a few years of hard work ahead of you before you can reap the benefits of full-fledged adulthood. But you shouldn’t see college as a gray area of your life that’s spent waiting for whatever comes next. Instead, it’s a time unlike any other and you should try to make the most of it. It’s probably the only time in your life when you’re free (and encouraged!) to make mistakes, try new things, and figure out who you are as a person. On top of that, you’re surrounded by people just like you who want to do all the same things. So next time you feel like you’re just waiting around for the next phase of your life, try having more fun in this one.


4. Things change

It helps to remind yourself that everything is temporary. Everything that you’re worrying about right now will soon be a problem of the past. That midterm you’re scared of. That summer internship you’re stressing over. Those people that make you particularly unhappy. They won’t be problems forever and someday soon, you’ll be able to look back on it all as a distant memory. It’s good to remember that most problems have a funny way of working themselves out on their own. If you truly must worry about something, make sure you’re actively working toward a solution and not just ruminating on the situation. That helps no one, least of all you.


5. You can change anything you’re not happy with

As a college student, you have a lot of control over your life now. If you’re unhappy with something, you have the power to change it. Whether that means redecorating your room, changing majors, or even transferring schools, you should go do whatever makes you happy. Sure it may be easier said than done, but you deserve to change your surroundings until you’re completely happy with them.


6. You’re not alone

Looking around, it can seem like everyone has their whole life planned out and knows exactly what they’re doing. But that couldn’t be farther from the truth. The big secret is that no one knows what they’re doing. Especially not during college. All anyone’s doing is trying to figure out how life works and what their next step should be. Instead of comparing yourself to others, focus more on yourself. It sounds cliché, but spend time being the best you that you can be. Instead of writing out a 5-year-plan, think about what kind of a person you want to be tomorrow, and then be that person.


7. You’re doing just fine

College can be a crazy place that makes you question yourself and your abilities. I’m here to tell you that you are good enough and that you’re doing just fine in life. As a student, you’re balancing work and play, with hopefully a little sleep. That’s a tremendous amount of work on its own. I can guarantee that you’re a good person who’s doing great things, so stop trying to see how you measure up. As long as you’re happy with who you are, the world will be happy with you.



Now go forth, and be the best version of yourself!

San Francisco native studying at the Univerisity of Washington, Seattle. Kathryn's goal is to major in Psychology, but she hopes to take lots of history and english classes along the way. In her free time she loves reading, watching TV, and daydreaming about writing a book someday.