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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UBC chapter.

University means a ton of new and exciting experiences – and it also means that we go through many personal transformations. Whether these transformations have been for better or worse, we have all changed since our high school days in small and big ways. Now that I am almost done my third year of university, I’ve started to think about all the ways in which my life has changed since high school graduation – and I think some of you can relate.


1. I’m willing to sleep anywhere

Since coming to university, my bed is no longer the only acceptable place for a good nap. 


2. I’m hangry all the time

Now that I have to fend for myself when it comes to food, I constantly find myself missing the deliciousness of my mom’s cooking. 


3. School nights are no longer an excuse to not go out

I remember those days when I thought 10pm was too late to be out on a week night.


4. My thought put into my daily outfits is now practically nonexistent 

Sweat pants will do.


5. I would say that I am now an expert on pizza

I could practically get an honorary degree in pizza-classification with all the experience I’ve gained in ordering pizza.


6. I personally choose to be in a library for seven or more hours at a time

I don’t think I ever spent more than an hour in my high school’s library.


7. I don’t worry about having to fit in with the popular crowd anymore 

University is much less of a popularity contest than high school – and I love it that way. 


8. I like what I’m studying a lot more

Some of my pre-requisites may not have been the best time, but they certainly beat the calculus that I was forced to take in high school.

Emily Morehead is a fourth-year Honours Political Science major and a Gender, Race, Sexuality and Social Justice minor - and the current co-Campus Correspondent for Her Campus UBC! :) She hopes to pursue law in the future and run for office someday. Emily loves taking long hikes up mountains, traveling to new places, and obsessing over cute corgis.