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It’s getting to be that time in the semester ladies, finals week is approaching and we are dying for summer 16. Finals, inevitably, are leading us to stress, lots of caffeine, and minimal sleep. But sleeping 4 hours each night is just what college is right? WRONG! Sleep is one of the most neglected aspects of our life and the importance it holds is often overlooked by college women across the country. In Arianna Huffington’s new book The Sleep Revolution she explains the importance of sleep and how it can really transform one’s life. Below is Arianna Huffington’s 12 Tips for Better Sleep and even though some of them may seem impossible, they’re worth the try!
1. Keep your bedroom dark, quiet and cool (between 60 and 67 degrees).
2. No electronic devices 30 minutes before bedtime.
3. Don’t charge your phone next to your bed. Even better: gently escort all devices completely out of your bedroom.
4. No caffeine after 2 p.m.
5. Remember, your bed is for sleep and sex–no work!
6. Sorry, Mr. Snuffles: No pets on the bed.
7. Take a hot bath with Epsom salts before bed to help calm your mind and body.
8. Pajamas, nightdresses, and even special T-shirts send a sleep-friendly message to your body. If you wore it to the gym, don’t wear it to bed.
9. Do some light stretching, deep breathing, yoga, or meditation to help your body and your mind transition to sleep.
10. When reading in bed, make it a real book or an e-reader that does not emit blue light. And make sure it is not work-related: novels, poetry, philosophy, anything but work.
11. Ease yourself into sleep made by drinking some chamomile or lavender tea.
12. Before bed, write a list of what you are grateful for. It’s a great way to make sure your blessings get the closing scene of the night.
Even though we think that the extra hour in the Lib will maybe push us to that A on our final, chances are that sleep will give you an even better chance of a good grade. So with Finals Week officially coming into full swing on Monday, let’s try to plan our days accordingly and get a good night’s sleep to make sure we end the semester on a high note. And then we’ll be in the clear for sun, sand, and most importantly a three month break from all things academic. You can do it Pirates!