We are taught to protect planet Earth, that this is the planet that will provide for you and you’re children and their children and so on. But when the times come after lunch you still put your plastic in the trash, or when the end of school is here all those notes somehow still end up in the trash bin. Her Campus Utah is here to help throughout the month of April to remind you that recycling is important! We are hosting a recycling drive and want you to put your old papers or plastic in our recycling bins around campus! However, our challenge doesn’t end after April 30th we want you to continue to take care of planet Earth.
What else can you do beyond recycling? And how do you reduce and reuse? These topics may seem simple and maybe you’ve done your research but more likely than not you are like me, and convenience has taken a priority.
Reduce: This does not only mean using fewer paper towels in your everyday life. Reducing refers to a much larger scale goal to reduce your footprint to zero, a noble goal but an unlikely reality. If I was to tell you that you could significantly reduce your footprint but you would have to stop taking airplanes, then would you do it? Or if you were asked to take public transit instead of owning a car would you? I know these are impossibilities to me and this is why topics like climate change are such a hot topic. We know the answers to reducing our footprint, we know climate change doesn’t end with one less paper towel and that is the on going challenge. We are a generation that is always on the move and is always eager to do more and travel farther and be better, and that comes with a cost.
Reuse: This concept is a little easier to accomplish, sort of. Reusing of course starts small like making use of old items, possibly refurbishing. But it also extends to larger industries, for example fashion. Why do we have trends that come and go so quickly instead of a sustainable way to clothe our bodies. The fashion industry has famously become one of the most disposable industries of all time. See if you can go a year without buying any new items, it may seem crazy but you will be surprised by what else you can do with that money.
Recycle: This is by far the easiest thing you can do, so just do it. Recycling can make a huge impact and a lasting one so do your part and take the extra 15 seconds to separate recyclable items from actual trash.
Take the time this month to work in some good habits for the rest of the year, figure out what role you play in climate change and how you can reduce, reuse, and recycle in your everyday life.