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Why a Mid-Semester Mom Visit is Exactly What You Need Right Now

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kenyon chapter.


This past weekend, I wasn’t in the library all day desperately trying to finish my research paper or going out with my friends to try to relax after a hard week. Instead, I was hanging out with my mom. No, I didn’t go home, and you’re right, it’s not parents weekend. But this past weekend my mom decided to visit me and we had a wonderful time! I know this is a busy time of the year and you want to be able to hang out with your friends as much as possible before the semester ends in a month, but I’ve got a few reasons why a mid-semester visit from your mom is just the thing you need!


1.     It forces you to take a break from the daily grind of school.

I knew had a big paper due the week after my mom’s visit, but since I didn’t want to have to spend the whole weekend working on that and ignoring her, I made sure I started it early so that I’d have the weekend free. At this point in the semester, we rarely get the chance to just relax without the stress of homework hanging over us, but my mom’s visit forced me to take a break from it all. I decided to treat it as a mini-vacation, and I was able to spend the weekend relatively stress-free, exploring Columbus and just hanging out.


2.     It encourages you to try new places.

We often complain that Kenyon’s in the middle of nowhere, but even if I wanted to, I rarely feel like I have the time to go off campus and try out new things. A parent visiting is the perfect excuse to go out and see what else there is to do in central Ohio. Whether it’s visiting a bakery in Centerburg or a 32-room bookstore in Columbus, there is a lot more to do in our surrounding area than we realize. Who knows, you might find a great place that you’ll want to come back to to show your friends!


3.     You eat food that isn’t from Peirce.

Look, Peirce is a great dining hall and there are many reasons we should be thankful for it. But eating in any location day in and day out for many months can get tiring, and by this point in the semester, I know I’m craving some different food. If your parents visit, they’re bound to take you out to eat. They’ll also probably take you out to eat your favorite food, because they know you don’t get enough of whatever that is in the dining hall. And a great meal can make all the difference in boosting your morale for the rest of the semester.


4.     She’ll restock your necessities.

Moms want to take care of their kids, no matter how old we get. So whether you’re out of toothpaste, need to renew your prescription, or simply want to stock up on comfort food, your mom is probably going to want to get it for you while she’s in town. Sometimes, it’s nice to just sit back and let Mom take care of you again.


5.     No one can cheer you up like Mom can.

College is stressful—the schoolwork can be hard, friendship dramas can happen, work schedules get overwhelming, and homesickness is definitely a thing. As we approach the final weeks of the semester, our course load isn’t lightening up. Often, though, the best person to calm you down is your mom. She’s known you your whole life; she understands what stresses you out and always seems to know the best ways to cheer you up. A visit from Mom can take you out of the stress of school for a day or two and leave you feeling worlds better.

Yes, I know we’re all busy, and for some of us, our parents live too far away or work jobs that just wouldn’t make it feasible for them to visit you for a weekend. But if your family can swing it, I highly recommend letting your mom come to visit you during the semester. I promise you can take the break, and sometimes, a visit from mom is really the best thing to beat the stress of the end of the year. 


Image credits: Rebecca Frank

Rebecca is a senior English major and American Studies concentrator at Kenyon College. She is from Alexandria, Virginia and has written for Her Campus since freshman year.