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Being That Girl With Bad Luck

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Utah chapter.

It never seems fair, it’s never easy, and it has us questioning what we did wrong to have the universe throwing curveballs at our lives and watching us squirm, awkwardly trying to figure things out. I’m speaking on behalf of all the girls out there with terrible luck. Anything bad that can happen, will most likely happen. Coming to terms with the fact that you just have the worst luck will make things a lot easier to plan around.  Even though bad luck overall is unavoidable, and the universe really is doing everything in it’s power to make sure it gets a good laugh at your misfortunes. If you think that you fall into this ever so unfortunate category, you can probably relate to majority of these instances.   



1.Slipping and Falling at the WORST times

It’s really sad to come to terms that most of the time you are that person that isn’t paying attention and eats shit walking down the stairs, slipping on ice, awkwardly rolling your ankle and stumbling, or even getting taken out by a biker.  



2. Missing or going to class at the wrong time

Your friends all do it, they miss class and you end up being the only one sitting there taking notes. Nothing bad happens to their grades so you decide you’re probably in the clear. So what do you do? You miss class one time and you miss 11 quizzes, 4 assignments, participation points, and your grade drops 13%.  Or you end up catching the bus, running through campus like a maniac just to make it to class on time.  You enter the classroom with one minute to spare, dripping in sweat and come to find class is cancelled that day. Life is unfair.

3. Embarrassing yourself in front of your crush

This has got to be one of the most cruel ways the universe finds entertainment.  Laughing at your love life.  Let’s say the one time you know you’re going to see your crush and you actually make an effort and put on makeup, pants, and attempt to brush and do your hair, and he instantaneously gets the flu and doesn’t show.  And when you run to the store really quick no makeup, cheetah pajama pants, holding cheetos and tampons – boom. He appears.  That’s always a nice conversation. “Hey, how’s it goin, just grabbing some food to stuff my face with and watch Grey’s Anatomy on my period.” He will for sure be asking you out at that moment in time.  

4. Being the unlucky driver

In a hurry and running late for something? Don’t worry you will just hit every red light along the way and get stuck behind an elderly woman driving 10 miles below the speed limit.  But you don’t dare speed because you know with your luck, that a cop will surely pull you over and give you a speeding ticket.  Screw it there’s no time to spare. You speed 5 miles over the limit and minutes later you are pulled over for speeding AND a broken tail light.  FML.

5. Missing out

Timing is everything and, let’s face it, time usually isn’t on your side. The one time you decide to stay in on a Saturday night, you miss out on the best night ever that everyone keeps talking about for weeks.  How come these fun things don’t happen whenever you go out ? What have I done wrong? The answer is nothing, you just need to accept that sometimes life isn’t fair and timing can either be your best friend or your worst enemy.

So guys, if you are that girl with bad luck, it’s okay.  There are many women that share this unfortunate characteristic and everything will be alright.  So you might not ever be that girl that lucks out and meets Justin Bieber randomly.  That doesn’t mean you don’t have a wonderful life as is.  Yeah, sometimes life makes you want to pull your hair out and scream at the top of your lungs.  Don’t give up, life has a funny, yet cruel way of working everything out and everything that is meant to be will happen.  You’re not alone, so accept your awkward encounters for what they are and embrace your bad luck because you are phenomenal no matter what.


Her Campus Utah Chapter Contributor