Let’s face it. College is hard. Those who once considered themselves an expert in the art of time management now find themselves flailing to get everything done on time. Honestly, how is it possible to have a scarcity of time when you literally don’t do anything? College is like another world with a skewed perception of reality that sucks the excess time away from your life. Now that we’re in the midst of midterms and finals week is coming up fast, it’s time to get your life together…
Buy a planner. And a calendar. And actually use them. Write everything down in both of them– it’s better to have your information written down in multiple places. The process of repeatedly writing something down helps you remember it. Write down due dates, homework, meetings times, your work schedule, pretty much anything that doesn’t involve you sitting in bed binge-watching Netflix T.V. shows. Put your calendar somewhere you’ll see it all the time, either hanging above your desk or near your bed.
Make lists. Shopping lists. Chore lists. Grocery lists. Homework lists. Daily to-do’s. When you are able to figure out and write down exactly what you have to do, you are able to get things done quicker, freeing up your time for later. These also help to make sure you don’t forget about the things you *actually* have to do on those days where you clean the bathroom and do laundry instead of writing an essay.
Color code your life. When writing in your planner and on your calendar, specify certain colors for certain subjects. Have a different color for each class you’re taking, a color for work schedules, a color for meetings, and a color for fun things like concert and amusement park dates.
Organize your workspace. A cluttered room is reflective of a cluttered mind. Clean up your area and free it of any distractions. Make sure to be prepared before you start working. Keep your pens, hi lighters, notebooks, and snacks nearby, so you don’t have to wander around looking for the things you need when you should be working. Keep your computer plugged in at your desk, so you don’t have to sorry about it dying mid-paper. Designate a specific spot to do homework. Consistency will help you quickly get into the mindset of “it’s time to work… Now.”
Sticky notes are your friends. Seriously. Put them everywhere, as little reminders. In your bathroom, on your mirrors, on your desk, the fridge, in your planner, and on your calendar. If there’s anything you don’t want to forget, writing it on a sticky note will help.
Schedule your day. Write down or set alarms in your phone specific times for things to happen. Map out your class schedule, times for you to get meals, time to study, and the time you go to bed and wake up. That way, you know exactly how much free time to spend with friends having fun. But most of all, when you schedule out your day, you need to be sure to
Make time to relax. Yes, relax. As contrary of a statement as that sounds, you need to make time just to de-stress. Use this time to clear your mind. Take a hot shower or bubble bath, put on girly face and hair masks, and curl up in bed clad in your comfiest pajamas, accompanied by a good book or movie and a cup of tea. Trust me. Your body will thank you, and it will make you more productive later.
And when all else fails, and it’s 1:00am before your bio presentation and you’re still trying to create the PowerPoint and write the paper for it, go ahead and cry, because college will absolutely kick your but at some point. Sometimes, no matter how prepared you are, you still don’t have enough time to do what you need too. So finally,
Don’t bite off more than you can chew. I know, you’re young and FOMO is real, but you don’t need to go out every night or weekend. You don’t need to join every club, and you don’t need to say yes to everyone. You’re the only one who knows what you can handle. Would you rather do a subpar job on six different things, or a superb job on three? You decide.