People in China have been posting photos proving how they are “paper thin”. Sounds harmless right? Well not so much. In order to be a part of this #A4Waist craze, one has to hold a vertical piece of paper over their waist to prove it is wider than they are. I’m sorry but WHAT THE HECK?? A Chinese newspaper described it as a fitness challenge but most people do not see it that way. People see it as “unhealthy and unrealistic” because honestly, how is making one’s waist is smaller than 8.3 in. natural? I mean unless you are born this way, it is not healthy to make yourself that small. The other claim behind this craze is that medical experts can estimate your health risks because of the width of your waist. WELL NEWS FLASH Y’ALL! It is about the circumference of your waist not the width when it comes to your health. So can we all just stop and leave the term A4 to cars?
Now luckily, not everyone is obsessed with this absurd craze. However, at the same time, people are not staying silent about this topic because honestly, it can lead to eating disorders and other issues. Instead, people are making it funny and basically “sticking it to the man”. I mean even guys are getting involved. You should see some of the posts, not only are they empowering but they’re pretty funny. For example, Matt Chambers posted a photo with the caption: “#A4Waist Nailed it! By the way, as a dad raising 4 kids (2 girls), can we stop the ignorant body image stuff now?” Others are posing with their University diploma and asking what defines them more? Their education or their waist.
Now there is a new hashtag going on called #notpaperthin that is supposed to combat #A4Waist and that is great! It is allowing girls to realize that it is more important to be healthy and it is important to love yourself. Everyone is beautiful and no one has the right to take that away. Don’t allow a hashtag or a celebrity make you feel like you have to look a certain way to feel beautiful because you don’t. Just be you <3.
The Kardashians have basically taken over the media at this point; Keeping up with the Kardashians has roughly 5 million viewers a season. Kim Kardashian has 66 million followers on Instagram. Kim and Khloe recently posted photos of them wearing “waist trainers.” Waist trainers are said to “Burn up to 4 inches on your waistline in under 30 days, and offer maximum compression for an instant hourglass figure.” This new waist training corset craze is the last thing young women should be seeing in the media.