It’s voting season, which means it’s time to exercise our rights in the American democratic system by voting!
This presidential election is probably the first one you can vote in, and this is a huge election. I mean it’s for the freaking President of the United States! The primary is on April 5th!
Here are two major reasons why you need to get to the polls and vote in this upcoming Primary election (which is on April 5th):
1. It’s your right as citizen to vote!
America is a democracy, and you literally are able to cast a vote and have a say in who is representing in our government. Exercise your right to vote!
2. Your vote actually does matter!
College voters (aka Millennial voters) are usually an underrepresented demographic in elections, since we rarely make the effort to register to vote and actually go out to the polls. You may not have much interest in politics (or maybe you do), but either way your vote can make a big difference. The millennial vote may swing the election! Our generation is the future and you should have a say in that future, so vote!
Registering to vote is not difficult, the voting process is not a lengthy one and it is totally worth your time. You can figure out how to register to vote/what you need to vote here!
So get out there on April 5th and go make a difference and show the world that millennial voters have a say in our government!