Welcome back to school collegiettes! We hope you’ve survived the first week back at school (remember Spring Weekend is only a few weeks away)! Speaking of surviving, we wouldn’t have been able to do just that without our Surival Kit. Just look at all these goodies:
Here’s the rundown of some of our favorite things:
1. Milani Cosmetics Eyeliner: All of these colors were perfect for fun nights out, and they could just come in handy for Under The Tent!
2. Brappz Bra Straps: Ever have that shirt that is so cute but cut SO weird, and you don’t have the right bra for it? Brappz totally solve that by giving you ways to make your bras comfortable and convertible. Translation: where all the strappy, spring tops you want
3. Tresemmé Shampoo and Conditioner Samples: Gotta keep your hair healthy when you’re getting all that sun, and this shampoo and conditioner did a great job!
4. Vera Bradley ID Holder: Now that we’re back at school, we can use these ID holders to transition into spring style!
Although these were only a few things in our survival kit, they made Spring Break that much easier. Check out our Instagram (@hercampusfordham) to learn more about how you could win a prize pack from our survival kit!