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An Open Letter to Anxiety

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Chapman chapter.

Dear anxiety,

You suck. Actually, that’s an understatement. You crawl into my stomach, enter my traces, question my feelings and nit pick through my thoughts. You create a swirl of constant worry, with the burden of never being able to break through.

            You make me wake up with tears in my eye, a ton of contemplations, a ball in my throat and tensions in my joints. You enter my life in unexpected ways. I try to push you out, breath through the pain and shake you from my veins.

            I don’t know why you have entered my life. You have no reason to be here. When I’m in class, you question my knowledge. When I’m at a party, you question my confidence. When I’m at work, you question my abilities. When I’m asleep, you question my reality. 

            For a while I thought you would never leave. Your lingering unwanted order would forever be apart of my existence. Your capability to silence my voice has done too much damage. With every step I take, I try and stomp away a bit of your being. I will no longer let you be the dominant figure in my life. I will live the life I have without having you by my side. It may take a while,  but you are no longer welcome.