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15 Signs You’re the Ultimate Multitasker

So much to do, so little time. Any college student will experience this struggle more than once during their four years. With class assignments, work shifts and downtime to fit in, there simply aren’t enough hours in the day to leisurely work your way through each task. This is why most of us become experts at a little thing called multitasking. If you recognize any of these 15 signs, you can officially be crowned a master multitasker.

1. You can answer emails, take phone calls and study for your next exam all during your workout

Treadmill time goes faster when you have a little distraction.

2. You have at least six tabs open on your desktop at all times

Email, Google and Facebook are a must.

3. You’ve mastered the shoulder-head grip during phone conversations

Hands-free is key, people.

4. You have to listen to music and/or TV when you do anything

Everything is better with a little Beyoncé in the background.

5. You’re in a never-ending state of “on-the-go”

Places to go, people to see!

6. You take your laptop anywhere and everywhere it can be considered socially acceptable

No shame.

7. You clean the kitchen in the amount of time it takes for your dinner to be microwaved

There’s nothing more thrilling than beating the beep.

8. You hate wasted time more than anything

Time is precious. Enough said.

9. You find crossing things off your to-do list exhilarating

Best. Feeling. Ever.

10. Apps are your best friend

Anything that increases efficiency is worth the 99 cents.

11. Your mom constantly yells at you for being on your phone and/or laptop

She just doesn’t understand. 

12. Sit-down meals are a rarity

Sip, eat, work, repeat.

13. You can take an online quiz or write a paper while taking lecture notes during class

Only the most skilled multitaskers can accomplish this feat.

14. You frequently wish you had an extra arm

You’ve gotta admit… it would come in handy.

15. You have a habit of “overdoing” it

Okay, so maybe I can’t do it all.

Rachael David is currently a senior at Penn State University and serves as the Campus Correspondent for Her Campus Penn State. She is majoring in public relations and minoring in psychology. Her love of creative writing and all things Penn State is what inspired her to become a member of the HC team in the fall of 2013. Her background experience includes working for the Undergraduate Admissions Office at Penn State as a social media intern in the spring of 2014 and is currently working as a social media intern for an internet marketing company in Harrisburg called WebpageFX. This past summer she also served as a PR intern for Tierney Communications. Rachael enjoys anything media related especially catching up on her favorite shows, including Saturday Night Live and any show on Food Network. She has a passion for food but also loves being active and spending her free time running or hiking. She hopes to gain more experience in all aspects of the media industry during college and plans on pursuing a career writing for a life & style publication in the future.