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Meet HCSC’s Sophia Krysa

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at South Carolina chapter.

Sophia Krysa ’16

Major: Mass Communications

Minor: Education

Sophia is a senior mass communications major at USC. She’s a founding member of our very own Her Campus at South Carolina and has been involved since her sophomore year. When she isn’t working as Senior Editor for Her Campus, she enjoys spending time with kids.

“I love kids, I’m with kids more than I’m with adults,” she exclaimed.

Sophia works in childcare at the work out facility Barre 3 here in Columbia, and also babysits in her free time. She has her own goal of opening up her own school one day.

Although there are lots of things to love about working for Her Campus, Sophia said her favorite part has to be seeing all the different articles people come up with. As an editor, she gets to proofread articles before they are published.

“I love seeing people’s creativity in action,” she said.

Like many other seniors at USC, Sophia is nostalgic when looking back on her memories of the last four years.

“It hasn’t really hit me yet that I’m a senior. I remember walking into the Clemson game, looking around, and just bawling thinking this was my last football game.”

When asked about her most embarrassing memory at USC, Sophia couldn’t help but laugh when recalling a moment from her freshman year.

“I was long boarding down Greene Street, which was embarrassing in general, when I cut off a lady while crossing the street. She honked her horn and yelled at me, and as I turned around to look at her, my board hit the curb and I fell flat on my face,” she said. 

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Page Buckman

South Carolina

Page is a Public Relations major at the University of South Carolina. In her free time she enjoys watching Netflix, playing with her dog, and eating mozzarella sticks.
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Kristina Zagame

South Carolina

Born and raised right outside the great city of Boston. Senior at the University of South Carolina. Major: Broadcast Journalism. Minor: Sport and Entertainment Management. Interests include traveling, storytelling, and trying to squeeze in naps. Biggest pet peeve: being told, "no." Instagram & Twitter: @kzagame GO COCKS!